Request for Access to Information


  1. Written Request: Access to Information requests must be made in writing to the Personal Information Protection Officer and submitted using the form available at this link: Information Access Request Form.
  2. Content of Access to Information Requests: Your request(s) must include or be accompanied by the following:
    • The title of the person: individual concerned, legal representative, heir, successor, estate administrator, life insurance beneficiary, etc. Documents justifying the title must be submitted with the request;
    • The personal data or other information desired, as well as a time period, if applicable;
    • Any other specific details about the information being sought to facilitate processing of the request;
    • The reason(s) for the request may be required in certain specific situations;
    • The preferred method of disclosure (in person, by mail, via email).
  3. Processing Fees: Le Groupe Maurice reserves the right to charge reasonable fees for transcribing, transmitting or copying your requested documents.
  4. Processing Requests: Requests will be reviewed by the Personal Information Protection Officer in collaboration with residence staff to determine the availability and possibility of sending the information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. A written response will be sent within thirty (30) days of receiving duly completed Access to Information requests, with a possible extension of up to ten (10) days if necessary to avoid disrupting the residence’s usual activities.
  5. Appeal in Case of Refusal: In the event of a partial or total refusal of any request, the Personal Information Protection Officer will provide a clear written explanation of the reasons for the refusal, as well as any available recourse.